We were glad to be able to host this year’s Annual SPEO Opportunities Forum in-person on February 8th, 2022. At the event, representatives from local and state agencies discussed scheduled projects and forecasted procurements. Thank you to this year’s presenters: For SPEO Members only, download a pdf of presentations from the event by logging in to the Member Portal: https://www.speo-pa.org/membership-area/ NOTE: YOUR FIRM MUST BE A CURRENT SPEO MEMBER FIRM TO ACCESS THE MEMBER PORTAL AND DOWNLOAD THE PRESENTATIONS OR VIEW THE RECORDING. Please DO NOT share the presentations with anyone outside of your own company. This is a members only benefit. If you have any questions or did not receive your password, please e-mail info@speo-pa.org for assistance. View more photos from the event here: https://www.speo-pa.org/photo-galleries/ Thank you to this year’s Annual Opportunities Forum Sponsors for your very generous support! Gold Sponsors: GPI Silver Sponsors: Advanced Integration Group Also, congrats to this year’s Wallenberg Spirit Award Recipient – Renee Dimichiei Farrow!
Larson Design Group
Michael Baker International
McCormick Taylor
ms consultants
Wade Trim
G. Stephens
GPD Group
Mott MacDonald