Part of SPEO’s mission is to work with local institutions to encourage and financially support diverse young men and women who are interested in starting a career in the engineering profession.
As part of this mission to support our local youth, SPEO is honored to award educational grants and provide support to various civic organizations on an annual basis. SPEO’s pool of member professionals in the engineering industry and related fields also provides educational support to local students. Our members volunteer to present to or provide hands-on activities for students, as a means of mentoring students and encouraging STEM-related careers. Examples of educational opportunities that our members have provided support for include ALCOSAN’s Summer Science Program, the ALCOSAN Open House, ALCOSAN’s Workforce and Vocational Exploration (W.A.V.E.) Program / Hands-On Saturday, Dormont Summer Camp, Gwen’s Girls, and more!
Current SPEO Grant Awardees
SWE (Society of Women Engineers)
For the upcoming year, SPEO intends to initiate our Educational Grant process earlier by providing Grant Application Forms to various civic organizations promoting STEM in January. Interested parties can reach out to the Academic Committee for more information.